Administration by webmaster on 18.04.2021 - 13:12PM Nika TsitelashviliHead of the School of Technology Erekle MaghradzeInternational Accreditation and Development Manager Paata GogishviliQuality Assurance Manager Vanda PirtskhaladzeQuality Assurance Specialist, School of Technology Natia GasvianiQuality Assurance Specialist, School of Technology Ana TchrelashviliCoordinator of Digital Technologies Gvantsa lortkipanidzeAssistant Head of the School of Technology School of Technology Program Coordinator Load more Vakhtang BalavadzeDirector of Civil Engineering Research Center MurusidzeDirector – Institute of Applied Physics Giorgi KhimshiashviliDirector of the Institute for Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Mathematics Studies Giorgi VeshapidzeInstitute of Quantum Matter and Optic Research Dimitri JapharidzeInstitute of Economy and Business-Director Centre for Geo-Information and Tourism Technologies-Director Geo-information Systems Lab-Director Load more Share on : Certificate Programs Bachelor programs