Business Administration: Banking and Finance – BTE



Business Administration: Banking and Finance

Study language: Georgian

Amount of necessary credits: 240 ECTS

Awarded qualification/degree: BA in Finance

Admission Type:  Individual admission

About the program

The Undergraduate Program in Banking and Finance in Business Administration is based on current developments in the field and its concept draws on the experience of leading educational institutions.

The academic staff, who provide knowledge delivery through the lecture and seminar course, are involved in making important decisions in the country, developing the financial industry and introducing innovations. Students have the opportunity to discuss the latest legislative reforms directly with those involved in the process and interact with representatives of the leading financial institutions.

The existing labs at the faculty will be a base for students of all study areas and enable them to apply theoretically acquired knowledge in practice and implement new projects during the learning process.

Program is more practice-oriented through the University infrastructure and labs, such as:

  • Ilia State University and San Diego State University Technology Building –  equipped with modern infrastructure
  • Iliauni Industrial Innovation Lab Fablab – Students can turn their ideas into a reality completely free of charge
  • Iliauni Pre-Accelerator Zoomout – helps students start their own business
  • Unilab – a cyber laboratory for innovative technologies
  • Iliauni Technology Commercialization Office


The aim of the program is to train a professional who is able to use modern knowledge and entrepreneurial approaches to participate in managerial activities in the field of management, banking, finance or tourism and equipped with the skills to effectively use the tools needed for business activities.

From the third semester of the study, the student must choose one of the three areas defined by the undergraduate program: Management, Banking and Finance, Tourism – at the end of the study he/she will be awarded a qualification in accordance with the requirements of the program.

The main areas of banking and finance are:

  • Data collection, processing;
  • Making valid and relevant conclusions;
  • Develop the skills of argumentation, critical analysis, quantitative reasoning, effective oral and written communication

The graduate will have the knowledge of:

  • The essence of business, key concepts, the role and importance of business in the economy;
  • The importance of microeconomic analysis in business decision making;
  •  Basics of the functioning of the national economy; Relationship between macroeconomic indicators with a short-term and long-term perspective; 3
  • Basic principles of budget planning, organization and financial control and budgeting methods;
  • Basic principles of management accounting and methods of managing financial resources;
  • The main aspects of the activities of various financial institutions, peculiarities and modern trends in the financial sector.
  • Traditional methods of investment valuation and ways of taking into account risk factors;
  • The main aspects of the activities of central and commercial banks and the essence of various operations;
  • Analyzing company’s financial statements and assessing cash flows;
  • Selecting investment valuation method taking into account investment risks and benefits;
  • Analyzing and evaluating the course of operations typical for a commercial bank;
  • Interactive lectures and seminars;
  • Verbal and written methods;
  • Masterclasses;
  • Situation analysis
  • Projects
  • Discussion/debates
  • Collaborative work;
  • Cooperative teaching;
  • Problem-based teaching;
  • Brainstorming, reflection
  • Roleplay/simulations
  • Demonstrative method
  • Modeling;
  • Lab work
  • Practical work

Based on the specifics of learning components, other methods may be applied which will be presented in the syllabus of the specific course.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Business Administration program can be employed in various private or public sector senior and middle management positions, start their businesses and develop innovative ideas. Also, the graduate of the program has the opportunity to continue his / her studies at the next level of higher education.

Program code: 0100115

To complete the requirements of the study program, the student must accumulate 240 ECTS.

Title of the module  ECTS 
 University General Module  60
 Major program  120
 Minor program or free credits (elective courses)  60

☏ (+995 32) 2 22 00 09 (180)
➳ Rooms :E302 E 305, E303, E405, E403
3/5 Cholokashvili Ave

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