Civil Engineering (Major) in Georgian – BTE

Civil Engineering (Major) in Georgian

Civil Engineering (Major) in Georgian

The goal of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in civil engineering who will be equipped with broad theoretical knowledge and relevant engineering practical skills. Also, the program aims to develop students’ professional skills for a successful professional career, so that they can contribute to the improvement of public welfare, quality of life and the created environment.

Educational objectives of the program:

Objective 1: The graduate will have the professional skills necessary for employment in order to become a successful engineer in the relevant field of work;

Objective 2: The graduate will have the appropriate knowledge and skills necessary for continued development in a chosen career, either formally or informally.

Objective 3: The graduate will have the appropriate knowledge and skills to contribute to the development and improvement of society and the environment.

The graduate will be able to find employment:

  • Construction of civil and infrastructural facilities (hydraulic facilities, highways, artificial structures, civil and industrial buildings, etc.)
  • In design and engineering-research bureaus (designing civil and industrial building structures, designing highways, designing bridges and other artificial structures, designing hydrotechnical structures, designing retaining walls and foundations, etc.).
  • Engineering consulting companies
  • In construction-expert bureaus
  • In construction and development companies
  • In the state and municipal institution (in the services working with the construction profile of city halls, municipalities and ministries)

In addition, the graduate of the program will be able to continue his studies at the next level of higher education – master’s degree.

The following Learning Outcomes will be assessed for each student:

  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
  • An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
  • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
  • An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
  • An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
  • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

To obtain the academic degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering, the student must accumulate 254 ECTS, according to the following structure:

Program structure: 8 semesters, 254 ECTS (1 ECTS: 25 hours)

  • Free component: general module – 48 ECTS
  • Compulsory study components – 42 ECTS
  • Compulsory-optional study components of the general module – 6 ECTS
  • Main field of study – 206 ECTS (including 30 ECTS of mandatory-elective study components of specialty and 6 ECTS of mandatory-elective study components of basic sciences).
  • Mathematics and basic sciences – 64 ECTS
  • Compulsory study components of the main field of study – 112 ECTS
  • Mandatory-elective study components of the major field of study – 30 ECTS

Choice of compulsory-elective course of specialty:

Within the major field of study, the student must choose five courses of study from the six areas listed below and at least one course of study from four different areas. This provides a broad knowledge of the field as well as a basis for the next level of study.

  • Structural engineering
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Transport engineering
  • Construction engineering
  • Water resources engineering
  • Environmental engineering

In the final semester, a group of 3-5 students, under the guidance of academic staff involved in the implementation of the program and representatives of partner organizations, work on a final course design project (6 credits) with the aim of preparing students for real challenges in the field of civil engineering. Within the framework of the final course design project, the student must apply the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, as well as demonstrate the ability to work effectively in a team while solving the engineering task set before them. However, although students will work in groups on the project, each student will be required to submit an individual activity report that will assess his or her individual contribution.

  • lectures and seminars;
  • written and oral method;
  • practical work;
  • laboratory work;
  • demonstration method;
  • discussion/debate;
  • method of analysis and synthesis;
  • problem-based learning;
  • individual and group work;
  • inverted classroom;
  • reflection;
  • Work on the project individually and in groups.

Note: A specific teaching method will be selected for each program component and listed in the respective syllabuses.

Vanda Pirtskhaladze
Quality Assurance Specialist, School of Technology
➳ Kakutsa Cholokashvili Avenue, Building T
☏ (+995 32) 222 00 09 (131)


Gvantsa Lortkipanidze
Programs Coordinator, School of Technology
➳ Kakutsa Cholokashvili Avenue, Building T
☏ (+995 32) 222 00 09 (138)

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