On 24 February 2021, FabLab Iliauni is launching an online course Basic Electronics for senior pupils. Course participants will gain basic knowledge of electronics that they will be able to leverage in future to implement microcontroller-based projects.

The project will last for 12 weeks, during which students will develop an understanding of the:

  • Elements of analog and digital electronics;
  • Principles of operation of basic electronic components;
  • Physical occurrences in circuitry and related laws;
  • Logical elements of electrical networks.

The course, which provides students with theory and hands-on experience, will be delivered virtually through TinkerCad.

►Who is the course for?

The course is designed for 9th to 12th graders from around Georgia.

► How to take part in the project?

To take part in the project, submit a completed application form no later than 20 February 2021.

► Application form: https://forms.gle/WZsLkqfUqfjM53sE8

Starting date: 24 February, Wednesday, 6 pm.

Session duration: 1.5 hours

Course leader: Giorgi Gogoladze, MA student in Software Engineering, ISU.

Note:  Participants who miss more than 20% of total course hours will not receive a certificate.

Selected candidates will be contacted no later than 22 February 2021.

For further information, email us at: fablabtraining@iliauni.edu.ge