Ilia State University School of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture announces a competition “Constructor” for schoolchildren of VII-XII grades of secondary educational institutions.


The purpose of the competition is to popularize the fields of civil engineering and architecture among young people and to emphasize the importance of these fields as the defining fields of the modern world.

The theme of the competition

The schoolchildren spend a significant part of the day at school. In recent years, the school environment, buildings, infrastructure have undergone a transformation – following in the footsteps of Soviet schools of architecture and planning, modern, colorful schools with recreational spaces, reading halls, laboratories are emerging.

Our competition will allow schoolchildren to create used models of school, school space and use a wide audience to show how they would like to study in the environment using used materials at home, stationery.

Competitive assignment

  • Create a model of a school or school space using used materials and / or stationery;
  • Take a video tutorial on creating a model, which shows all the important episodes of the modeling process, the materials you will use to create the model;
  • Record a 3-minute video presentation in which you introduce yourself, show us the final look of your project and describe its concept – why such an environment? Tell us about your future plans;
  • A letter of consent from the parent / legal guardian is required for the distribution of the provided videos;
  • Fill out the online application form, upload a video of the mockup process, a video presentation, and send it to us.

Your layout may represent the entire school building as well as some of its space (For example: recreation area, classroom, reading room, laboratory and / or space that is not present in any school, but you think it would be good to have such a space ).

Preference will be given to competitive assignments that are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Terms and conditions of the competition

The competition is designed for students of VII-XII grades of secondary schools. They can participate in the competition both individually and as a team (Maximum number of team members: 3)

Receipt of competitive assignments will start from May 31, 2021 and will continue until June 30, 2021.

To participate in the competition, you need to fill in the electronic application form by June 30, until 23:59.

Application link:

Identifying the winners

The competition jury will select the finalists from the participants, whose video presentations will be posted on the Ilia State University Facebook page in July and a wide audience will have the opportunity to evaluate the works with the following Facebook emotions – like, love, care, wow.
The final will be held remotely, using a platform zoom, in which the competition jury will identify the authors of the winning projects in two age categories based on their own decision:

  • Age group 1: 12 – 14
  • Age group 2: 15 – 17

The finals will name the favorite teams of the Facebook community in the same age categories.


  • Unilab Training Voucher of Iliauni Cyber Laboratory

Ilia State University will award the authors of the winning project with the Unilab training voucher of Iliauni Cyber Laboratory, which will be able to fully fund the study of the desired course (Front-end and design principles; Unity 3D; C #) from Unilab courses;

  • Voucher of the book house “Ligamus”

The authors of the winning project will be awarded with a 200 GEL voucher from Iliauni Book House “Ligamus” and will be able to purchase the books they want.

  • 500 GEL funding for the selected teams from the construction company Force and Kavtransproject

The company Force and Kavtransproject “Constructor” will reveal the selected teams among the finalists. Each of them will receive GEL 500 funding from the companies.

Construction company Force has a history of six years. His projects include the Wrestling Palace, gardens, schools, etc.

Construction company Kavtransproject has built more than 300 infrastructure facilities since 2014, including bridges, tunnels and highways.

For additional questions

2021 year