On July 12, at 19:00 PM, Ilia State University School of Technology will host an online meeting with Professor Rachel Servigon Abad on “Atrial fibrillation screening methods”

During the meeting, the speaker will talk about The most common form of cardiac arrhythmia- atrial fibrillation screening methods, based on digital processing and analysis of the electrocardiogram.

About the speaker:

Raquel Servigon Abad Associate Professor in Electronic, Automation and Communication Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).

Scientific research field: Biomedical signal processing. Changes in exercise-induced consciousness and hemodynamic parameters in elderly people.

Collaborations: Telemedicine, Electronics, and Bio-Engineering Group, Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid).

Working language: English

Date: 12th of July, 19:00 PM

Place: Facebook page of School of Technology

Supporting the meeting is the Erasmus + (Staff mobility for teaching) program.