On December 24-26, pupils from all over Georgia will have the opportunity to participate in the Hackathon of Interactive Books, which will be organized by Ilia State University and Anima chatbotics, which, depending on the created situation, will be held remotely.

The goal of the hackathon is to create interactive books of the future that will allow readers to interact directly with the characters and authors.

Digital reality allows us to have a dialogue with the linguistic copies of literary characters in the direction we want and to ask them everything that interests us.

Chatbots created within the framework of the hackathon will be posted on the website of the interactive book library (https://iel.iliauni.edu.ge/) and anyone can talk to them.

Who can participate in the hackathon?

Pupils of high school graduation classes (VIII-XII grades) can participate in the hackathon.

How can I participate in the hackathon?

To participate in the hackathon, you need to fill in the online registration form by December 23, 2021.

Application deadline: December 22, 2021, 23:59

Application form: https://bit.ly/3DezuJM

In what format will the hackathon take place?

Depending on the situation, the hackathon will be held in a remote format using a platform zoom.
Quick links

2021 year