On December 2, at 20:00 p.m., Ramaz Javakhishvili, Electronic Design Engineer of NOKA.Technology, will hold a remote meeting on the topic: How to create a hardware startup? The meeting is organized by the IEEE Student Branch of Ilia State University.

If you want to make a hardware device but do not know where to start, then this meeting is for you.

Topics to be discussed at the meeting:

  • Creating a hardware support product;
  • Startup development;
  • Specifics of hardware support startup.

About the speaker

Ramaz has extensive experience in launching hardware support startups. He founded the company Farco, which introduces a modern farm and greenhouse management system, a system that enables constant monitoring of data from anywhere in the world.

In addition, Ramaz is the creator of the electronics cognitive portal tron.ge, which allows beginner and amateur engineers to study electronics and handle with interesting projects.

Time: December 2, 20:00 p.m.

Attendance: Free, subject to pre-registration

Registration Form: https://forms.gle/T7NKP3bWdxTaSb8dA

Registration deadline: December 2, 19:00 p.m.

Format: Remote, Zoom and FB Live (you will receive the meeting link one hour before the meeting on the e-mail address indicated in the registration form)