Noisure 2021 N3XTCODER project # Green4Europe Hackathon Series is one of the winners and continues the fight for the final in Germany.

Noisure is a device for determining the noise level.

The co-author of the idea, Mariam Gigauri, Chair of the IEEE Student Representation at Iliuni,  is studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The second member of the team, Giga Uchaneishvili, is a student of  Computer Science and is engaged in web development.

About the Green4Europe Hackathon Series:

The hackathon is taking place in three countries: Georgia, Ukraine and Germany. The final winner will be revealed on December 8, 2021 in the final in Berlin.

The goal of the hackathon is to identify sustainable technology products within the UN global goals and to facilitate their development.

The project is organized by N3XTCODER.