Want to find the best way to collaborate, develop products efficiently and improve visibility?
GDSC Iliauni will host a session on version control using Git.
Guest Speaker – Dimitri Dondoladze, Software Engineer in EPAM Systems Georgia. Dimitry successfully covered TBC IT Academy bootcamp on .NET development, and he is working there as a mentor for a year already.
Topics to cover:
- History
- Centralised and decentralized version control systems
- Git fundamental commands
- Git branching and different workflows
- A small Demo
Meeting time: 19:00, February 4, 2022
Meeting language: English
Register to the meeting: https://forms.gle/qLoakNj7b1peKNuZA
Registration deadline: 18:00, February 4, 2022
Location: Zoom and FB Live
Meeting link will be sent on the email you’ve indicated in the registration.